The Writing Center@PVCC

Writing Assistance and Tutoring in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Speech Communications

Certification depicting the Writing Center as a Certified Center for Center Acknowledgement & Recognition of Excellence from the Southeastern Writing Center Association

The Writing Center offers writing assistance in any course, assistance with speech courses and presentations, and tutoring in the humanities and social sciences.

Meet Our Tutors

Explore How to Meet with a Writing Center Tutor, including dropping into the Virtual Writing Center or scheduling an appointment. 

Our tutors come from a variety of backgrounds. View their profiles.


The Writing Center operates on a modified schedule during exam weeks and is closed when classes are not in session. Visit Writing Center Exam Week Hours

To schedule an appointment via Navigate

  1. Log in to MyPVCC
  2. Click the “Navigate Student” icon
  3. Click “Appointments” on the left side of the screen
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will choose between an in-person session or an online session.

See What a Zoom Writing Center session looks like

Practice Conversational English

Each week, the Writing Center holds English Conversation Circle, an opportunity for English language learners to practice their speaking skills. ECC meets weekly when classes are in session, starting the 2nd week of the semester.. To join ECC, please complete The Englisih Conversation Interest form, and you will receive an email with information about each week's meeting. All English language learners are welcome to join. No homework or registration is required.

The Walt Kehoe English 111 Personal Essay Contest

Each fall, the Writing Center sponsors the English 111 Personal Essay Contest, in honor of Walt Kehoe, a long-time Writing Center tutor who devoted many hours and much care to PVCC students. Walt died in October 2019. We begin accepting submissions for the calendar year each October, with a late November deadline.  Read the winners of the 2023 English 111 Personal Essay Contest.

Past winners:   
Read the 2022 winners here.    
Read the 2021 winners here.   
Read the 2020 winners here.

Our Mission

The Writing Center @ PVCC supports student success by offering writing assistance across the disciplines, as well as assistance with speech courses and presentations, utilizing research based practices. We prepare students for placement tests and improve the conversational language skills of English learners. Our mission is achieved by: 

  • Reinforcing that strong writing skills are valuable across the curriculum and are essential in many fields of study and in the workplace;
  • Emphasizing that writing is a process, which develops writing skills and instills confidence in students;
  • Understanding the diversity of students’ needs and adapting our approach to meet those needs;
  • Providing tutoring sessions that are available by walk-in or appointment to maximize accessibility to all students;
  • Offering a welcoming, diverse staff engaged in continual professional development; and
  • Developing a sense of community through a collaborative environment.

We work to help PVCC students strengthen their writing skills in any discipline. Come to The Writing Center at any stage of the writing process to:

  • Discuss how or where to begin an assignment
  • Get help finishing a draft
  • Begin revising a draft or receive feedback on a complete draft
  • Learn tips for proofreading
  • Discuss your instructor's comments

Instructional Videos

These short videos are designed to help with common, challenging writing tasks.


Organize and Plan Your Essays
Cite and Research Your Essays
Revise and Proofread Your Essays
Essay Guides
Grammar and ESL
Writing Intensive Courses (WIC)

Writing Rubric

Presenting Your Writing in Other Forms
Writing Under Pressure

For Faculty

To request a presentation of the Writing Center for your class, fill out the Request a Writing Center Presentation Form.