Library Policies



The Betty Sue Jessup Library offers dynamic, point-of-need services from information experts and quality collections that equip students with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to be successful lifelong learners. The library’s mission is achieved through:

  • Teaching and promoting information literacy and critical thinking
  • Partnerships with faculty to provide instructional support services for students
  • Quality resources that align with the college’s curriculum
  • Resources comparable to collections available at four-year institutions.


The Betty Sue Jessup Library seeks to be recognized as an integral part of student success and as an instructional partner with faculty.


Information literacy and critical thinking prepare students to succeed both academically and professionally, and are the foundations for all learning.

For information about:

Lending Policies

Materials Loan Period Renewals Limits
Books (Circulating, Nook, Graphic Novels, Popular) 28 days Students: three renewals, unless end of semester; Faculty/Staff: indefinite renewals; Community: one renewal; Cooperative Borrowing: one renewal Students/Faculty/Staff: 25 books; Community: 10 books; Cooperative Borrowing: 10 books
Reserve Books Two-hour check out; in-library use only None One reserve book
Print Magazines and Journals One week; current issue in-library use only One renewal 10 magazines/journals
DVDs/Videos Students/Community: in-library use only; Faculty/Staff: must use on campus None Students/Community: one DVD/Video; Faculty/Staff: 15
Laptops In-library use for currently enrolled students only Laptop due 30 minutes prior to closing One laptop

Books may be mailed to currently-enrolled students who live outside the College service area, which includes the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson, the northern part of Buckingham County and the City of Charlottesville. If the student attends classes at the main campus, they may visit the library to check out books or other materials.

Faculty/staff members or students at off-campus sites may request to have materials, including books owned by the library and interlibrary loans, sent to the site through courier.

Computer Use in the Library

Desktop computers are available in the library for student and faculty/staff use; laptops may be checked out for use in the library by currently enrolled students. Priority for desktop computer use is given in the following order:

  • Currently-enrolled students, faculty and staff engaged in research for coursework or business of the College.
  • Currently-enrolled students, faculty and staff conducting research not related to coursework.
  • Community members engaged in research.

The library enforces these priorities by limiting computer time to 30 minutes, restricting use to persons with higher priority or restricting activities not related to research. Any other use of computers must be approved in advance by the library staff.

Please abide by the provisions of the College's Computer Use Policy, the PVCC Computing Handbook and the VCCS Computer Ethics Agreement. Do not use the library computers for online chat groups, frivolous or irrelevant Internet usage, online gaming or the copying of software in violation of license agreements or copyright. If you do, you will be asked to leave. Please read the online manuals for additional information.

Conduct in the Library

  • Talking on cell phones is not permitted in the library.
  • Food and drinks are allowed in the library. Do not use open drink containers near the computers or printers.  
  • Excessive noise is not permitted; please keep noise levels to a minimum at all times. Groups should reserve a group study room. If a group or individual in the study rooms or elsewhere in the library becomes too loud, please inform someone at the front desk.
  • Students may not leave personal items unattended or ask library staff to hold items behind the desk. Lockers are available in the locker rooms in the 100 hallway of the main building if needed. Unattended items will be taken to the security office or the police department.
  • The phones at the desk are for staff use only.  If students need to make a call, they may ask to use the phone at the Security or Campus Police offices.


How do I check out a book?

PVCC faculty, staff and students are not issued a separate library card.  Your PVCC ID card is your library card.  Faculty, staff, and students are required to present their PVCC ID card (available from Security) in order to check out materials from the library.  Virginia residents ages 16 and older may open a library account if a proper photo ID is provided. Please see Lending Policies for more information.

Does the library check out textbooks?

We have a limited number of textbooks available on a first-come, first-serve basis. These can be checked out for use in the library for two hours at a time. Please note that we do not always have all the textbooks or even the most current editions, nor does the library purchase textbooks to place on reserve.

How do I check out a book if I'm not on the main campus?

We will mail books to currently enrolled students who live outside the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson, the northern part of Buckingham County, and the City of Charlottesville. We will send materials through courier to faculty, staff and students at the Giuseppe Center or the Jefferson School.

What if I'm a dual enrollment student?

As a dual enrollment student, you have the exact same privileges as a student who takes classes directly through PVCC.  You can check out up to 25 books at one time, use our library computers, and access our databases off-campus.  To access our databases, you would use your MyPVCC login information.  

What if I attend TJACE or take classes through Workforce Services?

As a TJACE or Workforce Services student, you have similar privileges to students who take for-credit classes.  You can check out up to 25 books at one time, use our in-library-use only laptops, and reserve a group study room.  If you have been issued a MyPVCC username and password, you can access our library databases from off-campus.  If you do not have a MyPVCC username, you can still access our databases if you visit the library in person.

When is my book due back, and how do I renew it?

If you are a PVCC student, faculty, or staff member, click the QuickSearch link on the library's homepage, login to your account, and renew your book.  Note that you will not be able to renew your book online if it is overdue, if the policy for that book does not allow it, or if the new due date would extend past the end-of-semester due date.  In those cases, you must must physically bring the book back to the library in order to renew it.  If you have any questions or would prefer to renew over the phone, give us a call at 434-961-5308.  Community members cannot renew online and must call the library to renew their items over the phone.  

What happens if I have overdue or lost books?

We don't charge overdue fees, but we do bill for lost items.

Students and community members receive three overdue notices; the third notice is a bill for the replacement of the item. You have 10 days to return the item or pay the fee before you are turned over to a collection agency. A hold also is placed on your student record; this prevents you from receiving transcripts and registering for classes in subsequent semesters.

Faculty and staff members must return all library materials or pay replacement costs for lost materials prior to leaving the employ of the College.

Any borrower who loses or damages library material will be charged the actual cost to replace it. If a book is no longer in print, there is a minimum charge of $50. If you eventually return the item and retained your receipt, you can receive a refund.

How much does it cost to print in the library?

The library has two printers/copiers. Copies cost five cents per side for black-and-white and 25 cents per side for color. The copiers only accept coins or bills and will give change. You cannot use debit or credit cards to purchase copies. Both photocopiers default to black-and-white and double-sided. You cannot print from a personal device. If you have a personal laptop, you must upload the document or email it to yourself and print it from a library computer.