Employer Services

Job and Internship Postings

Use College Central Network, a FREE online recruiting service for employers to post job and internship opportunities. Students and community members have 24/7 access to your postings. Or visit College Central Network's Consortium of Virginia Community Colleges to reach ten colleges with a single posting. If you're interested in learning which community colleges might be best for you to recruit at considering the programs of study they offer, check out the Virginia Community College System program search. Visit HERE (with scrolling down to the College Locator) to find the community college in the geographic region of interest.

College Central Network Logo

Internship Program 

Host an intern! Employers benefit from a pool of skilled applicants, lower recruitment costs and a structured career development program. Through PVCC's Internship Program, students integrate classroom study with related work experience in business, industry, government, nonprofits or professional associations.

PVCC promotes internships to all students. If your organization can afford to host a paid internship, you will receive a larger response as students tend to need the financial support.

If you would like to learn more about the internship program where students receive college credit, visit the internship page. College Central Network (CCN) internship postings are cross-posted to the internship page if they are cyclical. Email Business/Technologies or Early Childhood Education/Graphic Arts programs if you have questions.

PVCC has partnered with Parker Dewey who pioneered the innovative concept of Micro-Internships - short-term, paid, project-based work experiences, many of which can be done remotely. Assignments typically require 5-40 hours of work which may be completed within a few days or weeks. Parker Dewey manages the payment processing to make it easy on employers administratively. Students are not considered your employees or contractors. It's quick and free to post positions either for PVCC students or Parker Dewey's network of students from hundreds of colleges. For more information, check out their sample projects or post an opportunity.

Additional Community Resources

Network2Work @ PVCC is a program that works with community members to get the training and support to be successful in obtaining a full-time, self-sustaining career. The staff can provide direct job seeker referrals for your openings.