Department of Public Safety & Campus Police
Piedmont Virginia Community College considers the safety of the college community to be of paramount importance. The college is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for students, employees, and visitors. The PVCC police department employs a combination of police officers and security officers.
Campus police are sworn police officers employed by the college. The officers protect the campus community, which includes the faculty, students, and visitors to PVCC. Campus police officers function as enforcers of the law. Each officer meets the requirements of the Department of Criminal Justice Services, which grants police officers certification in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PVCC officers have the same authority as any police officer in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Mission Statement
The mission of the PVCC Department of Public Safety and Campus Police is to provide for the safety and security of students, faculty, and staff, and the general public while on or in any property or facility owned or operated by the college.
The department acts to prevent crime, protect property, preserve the peace, and enforce all federal, state, and local laws within its jurisdiction. In accomplishing this mission, department employees shall apply the law and policy in an equitable and consistent manner, maintain a customer-service orientation, and treat everyone with respect.
PVCC security officers are certified through the Department of Criminal Justice Services. These officers have the responsibility of enforcing campus parking regulations and assisting faculty, students, staff, and visitors with minor problems. The Security Office also acts as additional eyes and ears of the Police Department and is dedicated to maintaining a safe environment on the PVCC campus. This office is also the location for lost and found items. Students, faculty and staff may also obtain their IDs and parking permits inside the Security Office.
The office is located in the:
Main Building, Room 218
non-emergency number: 434.961.5300
Incident Report
For accidents, injuries, or incidents, please fill out a Maxient - Incident Report.
Register for Text & Email Alerts
For emergency messaging and for school closings due to inclement weather. Sign up for Emergency Alerts.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a student photo ID?
A student photo ID card is a student's official Piedmont Virginia Community College identification and is provided to students through the student activities fee. The photo identification cards can be obtained from the Department of Public Safety & Campus Police (Main Building, room M218) during normal business hours of the College.
Students must bring:
- A copy of your current class schedule
- A valid form of ID (i.e., valid driver's license, passport, military/government ID, birth certificate, social security card, voter registration card)
Photo ID cards must be presented for admission to special student activities, obtaining parking decals and to purchase discounted bus passes. Photo ID cards can be used for library material use and discounts at local merchants.
More Information for Students:
- Students should have only the most current photo ID card in their possession.
- Contact the Department of Public Safety & Campus Police if your photo ID card is lost or stolen. An incident report will be filed and a new card issued.
- If a card is damaged or unusable, return the damaged card to the Security Office for issuance of a new card.
- Cards are non-transferable to another person.
- Students must present their student photo ID card if requested by College personnel. Failure to present a photo ID is a student code of conduct violation and may result in disciplinary action.
Where is Student Parking?
PVCC Eugene Giuseppe Center: Free parking is behind the Center. You do not need a parking decal.
PVCC Jefferson School Center: Free parking is available in the deck adjacent to the Center. You do not need a parking decal.
PVCC Main Campus: Students can park in lots 3 and 4. In addition, student parking is available in parking lot 2 after 6:30 p.m. Student parking is also available in parking lot 1 after 5 p.m. You must display a PVCC parking decal on your vehicle or you’ll receive a ticket.
How do I get a parking permit or decal?
PVCC Eugene Giuseppe Center and PVCC Jefferson School Center: A parking permit is not required for students taking classes at these locations.
PVCC Main Campus: Day, evening, weekend and part-time students must register their vehicle(s) and obtain a parking decal. There is no charge for decals. They are available from the Department of Public Safety & Campus Police (room M218 across from the Library). Registering for classes online does not excuse a student from the requirement to register their vehicle and secure a parking decal. Each vehicle a student operates must have a decal in order to park on the PVCC campus. It is the student's responsibility to ensure the decal is visible on the left side of the rear bumper or on/in the rear window. Students who are employed by the College on a part-time basis are not eligible for employee parking permits.
Students are responsible for any violation committed by the operator of a vehicle registered in the student's name. Not registering a vehicle is itself a parking violation subject to the same fine as other general parking violations.
PVCC is not responsible for loss or damage to motor vehicles or their contents while they are on College property. Drivers should use caution and good sense while in the parking areas.
Note: The fine for general parking violations is $20.00 per ticket. The fine for parking in a handicap space is $100.00 per ticket.
Who can get PVCC Alerts?
The PVCC Alerts service is designed for students, faculty and staff who will be affected directly by an emergency on the College grounds and/or the proximate areas.
Why should I get PVCC Alerts?
- Text messaging is more reliable in emergency situations when communication systems reach high capacity. Text messages will get through when phone calls won't.
- You will receive alerts anywhere, even when you do not have access to a computer.
Will my cell phone number be kept confidential if I sign up for PVCC Alerts?
Yes. PVCC Alerts service cell phone numbers are not shared or sold to any other systems or services.