PVCC is committed to providing a safe and secure campus community so that its students and staff are free to learn and pursue their academic goals. This page is designed to make you aware of all the resources that PVCC offers and to help you quickly connect to the services and staff that you may need at various points during your time at PVCC. If you need immediate help from the PVCC Public Safety and Campus Police Department, want to report an incident or concern, need emotional support during a time of crisis, or need a referral to outside community services, you can do that here.

Safety Issues and Immediate Concerns

Sign Up for Emergency Alerts

  • Emergency Call 911
  • Public Safety Office and Campus Police: 434.961.5300 
  • Albemarle County Police Department: 434.977.9041
  • Charlottesville Fire and Rescue: 434-872-4596
  • Region Ten Community Services Board: 434.972.1800
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)
  • Sign up for emergency text/email alerts

See Something. Say Something.™

We are all a part of a community that protects each other. If you see something that you feel may affect the safety or security at PVCC, or may disrupt the educational process, please fill out an incident report form. After receiving your report, a group of trained professionals from across campus will review your report and determine what needs to be done. Never hesitate to report a concern. Report an incident using the Maxient-Incident Reporting Form.

Report an Incident

Attention New Students

New students are required to complete Sexual Violence Awareness & Prevention: Training for Students. It is a part of SDV 100 College Success Skills, the college's extended-orientation course for first-year students, and will increase awareness of and provide critical information about sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and bystander intervention.

Sexual Misconduct, Assault, Harassment and Stalking

PVCC promotes a safe community free from all forms of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes: sexual violence; sexual harassment; stalking; verbal or physical sexuality-based threats or abuse; and intimate partner violence. All incidents of sexual misconduct will be investigated fully and will be referred to law enforcement and college disciplinary action as appropriate. The college provides various mechanisms for students to report sexual misconduct and offers counseling, support and referral for all victims.

Mental Health and Crisis Counseling Services

As part of our ongoing efforts to prioritize the health and well-being of our students, PVCC offers mental health support to students. The TimelyCare service provides access to 24/7 mental health care virtually, and at no cost to students. Licensed providers are available to offer mental health support via phone or secure video visits. Students can access visits from any web-enabled device – smartphone, laptop, or desktop. Services include 24/7 chat, scheduled individual counseling sessions, and group self-care sessions. Learn more about mental health and crisis counseling services.

We encourage you to seek help if you are experiencing depression, sadness, anxiety, stress, substance abuse issues, or having trouble making the transition to college. PVCC also has a partnership with Region Ten Emergency Services that allows our students to be seen by a Region Ten counselor within 24 hours or as an emergency. Student Services Staff and the Dean of Student Services will help set up this appointment at no cost to the student. Students in crisis can call 434.961.6581.

Should you experience a mental health crisis off-campus and outside of normal college business hours, please call Region Ten Emergency Services at 434.972.1800, or call 911.

Student Resources

Faculty and Staff Resources