Home School Students
PVCC is the perfect place for you to supplement your home school curriculum or begin your college career early. Our smaller class sizes and dedicated, caring faculty and staff appeal to many home schooled students and their parents.
Admission Criteria
Dual Credit Admission Criteria
After You Apply
Home school students must provide:
- Copy of a Home School Agreement approved by the school district or a letter declaring home school for religious exemption
- Parental consent/maturity content waiver Mature Content Waiver Form
- Expected graduation date and documentation of coursework
- High school transcript if you attended high school for any length of time
- PSAT/SAT/ACT scores or current Home School GPA and highest level of math course reached Course Placement
- The completed Dual Credit Student Permission Form
Connect with an Advisor
Get started by contacting an advisor to review your home school program, course placement and intended PVCC program of study if you do not know the subjects in which you would like to enroll. Your parents must also attend this meeting. To contact one, please use the Ask-an-Advisor Form. You may include the placement criteria (step 5) on the form. If you know the subjects in which you would like to enroll, use the same form to ask for enrollment assistance.
PVCC Admissions & Advising Center
Main Building, Rm. M144
*Home schooled students taking PVCC classes must contact an advisor before registering each semester at PVCC. Be sure to reach out to one well in advance of the semester registration dates indicated in the Academic Calendar. Home schooled students must be at least 14 years of age.