History of PVCC


In 1969, a steering committee petitioned the State Board for Community Colleges to establish a community college in Charlottesville. In 1970, land at the southwest corner of Interstate 64 and State Route 20 was purchased, and a 12-member College Board was appointed by six jurisdictions. Groundbreaking for construction of an administrative building took place in April 1972. One month later, the College accepted applications for the first time, and 456 students enrolled in the fall quarter. Classes were held temporarily at Albemarle High School, on the grounds of the University of Virginia and in other Charlottesville-area locations. In fall 1973, PVCC began offering classes in a newly constructed building at its current location at 501 College Drive.


  • Dr. Jean Runyon, appointed April 21, 2022
  • Dr. Frank Friedman, appointed November 3, 1998
  • Dr. Deborah M. DiCroce, appointed March 20, 1989
  • Dr. George B. Vaughan, appointed August 16, 1977
  • Dr. James R. Walpole, appointed September 1, 1975
  • Dr. Harold J. McGee, appointed September 1, 1971

Celebrating 50 Years

Expore PVCC Through the Years with this trip through the last 50 plus. 

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