
Network2Work @PVCC connects job-seekers with the training and resources they need to secure family-sustaining employment that aligns with local industry needs. 

What is The Success Rate of This Program?

After enrolling in Network2Work @PVCC, nearly 70% of our job-seekers find employment.  Their average annual wage increase is 107%, with an average wage gain of over $17,000.

Why is Network2Work @PVCC Important?

In our region, 14,990, or 22%, do not make enough money to pay for the essentials of life—food, shelter, clothing, and utilities, and the added costs associated with working, primarily childcare and transportation. The goal of Network2Work @PVCC is to help these families become self-sufficient by identifying jobs within their reach and positioning them to secure and excel in those jobs.

What Areas are Served by Network2Work @PVCC?

Network2Work @PVCC serves the college’s entire service region, which includes the city of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson.

How Does the Program Work?

Network2Work @PVCC directly addresses barriers to employment and intentionally recruits job-seekers who are struggling in our economy and connects them with employers interested in filling available jobs.

Through our custom-built technology platform, we bring together the three networks critical to making this work:  employers, job-seekers and social service providers.

Job-Seeker Network - The Secret Sauce
Rather than wait for job-seekers to come to us, we recruit trusted neighbors, "Connectors," to intentionally reach out to members of their community who are experiencing economic insecurity and connect the with Network2Work.

Provider Network
We build a network of resource providers in the community and connect job-seekers to the support services they may need to secure and maintain employment using our nationally-recognized platform.

Employer Network
We build relationships with local and regional employers and post their available job opportunities on our award-winning N2Work online platform.

How is Network2Work @PVCC Different?

Our approach differs from more traditional workforce programs in three critical ways:

  1. Most importantly, we intentionally recruit those who have historically been left behind in our economy by leveraging the individuals in the community who know them best - individuals who are well-known and well-respected in their neighborhoods. We recognize that people don't generally decide to change their lives because they saw a flyer, visited a website, or got a pencil with a community organization's name on it.  They change their lives when someone they know and trust reaches out to them with a real opportunity.  
  2. We serve our job-seekers holistically, knowing that it is the "whole person" who shows up to work.  Using the "best fit" technology developed by Network2Work, we make warm hand-offs to the community-based resource providers who can help our job-seekers get the support they need to succeed, including stills training, childcare, transportation, healthcare, legal assistance, and more.
  3. Network2Work develops relationships with quality regional employers to understand their needs.  We then recruit, train, and support job-seekers, and when we determine they are "job ready," we vouch for them when they apply for jobs with those employers.  This reduces any perception of risk an employer may have when considering our job-seekers, such as those who were criminal-justice involved.