Faculty & Staff Resources


PVCC complies with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972 that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded institution.  Sexual assault and sexual harassment are also forms of sex discrimination and will not be tolerated on the PVCC campus. The Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education enforces this law.


How do you help a student that reports an incident to you?

  • Listen without judging: The student has chosen to share this with you because you are someone they respect and trust. Give them your complete attention and support. Avoid questions that may sound like you are blaming the student, such as “Did you have too much to drink?” or “ Why didn’t you tell someone about this sooner?” Instead say, “I am so sorry that this happened to you.”   
  • Tell students that you believe them. Often students feel that no one believes them and this is one reason why they do not report or get the help they need. Remember that you are not an investigator responsible for determining what happened and who is responsible. Rather you are the confidant at this moment.
  • Let the student know that you will support them whatever they decide to do.
  • Refer the student to staff and resources at the college. You are not expected or trained to be an expert but you can refer the student to the staff and resources at the college that they need. Refer the student to the Title IX Coordinator or the Dean of Student Services. Refer the student to the campus police if there is an immediate threat or danger.
  • Do not promise confidentiality. Gently inform the student that you must alert the appropriate person at the college because the college is concerned about the victim’s safety and the safety of the college.
  • Let the student know that you willing to work with them if they need additional time with assignments or exams.
  • Submit a follow up report incident report or call the Dean of Student Services or Title IX Coordinator to report the disclosure.  
  • Let the student know that that there are many resources both on campus and the community that can help.
  • Follow up with the student to see how he/she is doing.



  • Marked decline in academic performance
  • Disruptive behavior/aggressiveness
  • Depressed or lethargic mood
  • Excessive absences or coming late to class (especially if the student had previously shown good class and work attendance)
  • Marked decline in personal hygiene
  • Exaggerated emotional reaction that is out of proportion to the event
  • Strange or bizarre behavior
  • Unusual dependency (always hangs around after class or makes multiple appointments to see you)
  • Increased anxiety
  • Seems to be increasingly withdrawn or socially isolated
  • Falling asleep in class
  • Repeated requests for deadline extensions
  • Verbal or written references to hurting others or self


  • Ask to meet with the student in private
  • Listen intently to what the student has to say.
  • Let him/her know that you are concerned about his or her welfare
  • If you have initiated the contact express your concerns in behavioral terms and provide concrete examples. Try to avoid judgmental language. For example, “I have noticed that you have been coming in late for the past two classes and I am concerned about you.”  Rather than, “What’s going on with you, don’t you care about your education?”
  • Suggest resources and help the student connect with those resources at the college
  • Do point out that reaching out for help and support is a sign of strength not a weakness
  • Do make a referral to appropriate resources / or support person at the college
  • If the student is in a crisis contact the Admissions and Advising Office to connect the student to the Crisis Counselor on duty
  • Follow up with the student to see how things are going
  • Do not promise confidentiality
  • Do not involve yourself beyond the limits of your time and skill


PVCC has a team of faculty and staff from across the college that meets regularly to monitor concerns, review incident reports and make referrals. This cross disciplinary team is committed to early intervention to prevent violence and to provide support, resources and intervention as needed. The team also fosters a culture of reporting across the campus. The team is chaired by the Dean of Student Services and includes the Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services, Disabilities Counselor, Chief of Police, division dean, and faculty and staff members.