Statistics & Safety Information
The federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) 20 USC § 1092(f) requires colleges and universities participating in federal student aid programs to disclose campus safety information once a year in an Annual Security Report (ASR). The U.S. Department of Education enforces the Act. Institutions must annually, no later than October 1st, disseminate an ASR to the U.S. Department of Education and all current students and employees. Institutions must also make it available to all prospective students and employees upon request.
The full report for this year is below. Copies of the report are available by request from the Department of Public Safety and Campus Police or the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services Office. The ASR includes three years of crime statistics and certain security policies and procedures summaries.
- 2024 Annual Security Report
- 2023 Annual Security Report
- 2022 Annual Security Report
- 2021 Annual Security Report
- 2020 Annual Security Report
- 2019 Annual Security Report
- 2018 Annual Security Report
- 2017 Annual Security Report
- 2016 Annual Security Report
- 2015 Annual Security Report
- 2014 Annual Security Report
- Clery Crime Statistics
- Virginia Sex Offender Registry
A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is an individual who is an official of the institution that has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including but not limited to:
• PVCC Police Officers
• PVCC Security Officers
• PVCC Title IX Official
• Professional staff in the Student Services Office
• Staff in a student center building
• Student Activities Office
• Student discipline staff
• Faculty or staff advisors to student organizations
• Director of Athletics, team coaches, or athletics staff (if applicable)
Examples of individuals who would not meet the criteria for being campus security authorities include:
• A faculty member who does not have any responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom
• Clerical or cafeteria staff
• Auxiliary enterprises, such as staff from the cafe or bookstore
• Guests and visitors to the campus
Under Clery, a crime is reported when a victim, witness, other third party or even the offender brings it to the attention of a CSA or local law enforcement personnel. It does not matter whether or not the individual/s involved in the crime or reporting the crime is associated with the institution. If a CSA receives the crime information and believes it was provided in good faith, he or she should document it as a crime report in by creating a Maxient incident report and providing this report to the PVCC Department of Public Safety and Campus Police. In “Good faith” means there is a reasonable basis for believing that the information is not simply rumor or hearsay. CSAs are not responsible for investigating crimes. Their role is to report all incidents immediately, no matter how minor an incident may seem. All investigations and crime classifications are the responsibility of sworn law enforcement personnel.
There are two classifications of individuals who, although they have significant responsibilities for student and campus activities, are not considered CSAs under Clery. They are pastoral counselors and professional counselors. A pastoral counselor is defined as a person who is associated with a religious order or denomination, is recognized by that religious order or denomination as someone who provides confidential counseling and is functioning within the scope of that recognition as a pastoral counselor. A professional counselor is a person whose official responsibilities include providing mental health counseling to members of the institution’s community and handling functioning within the scope of his or her license or certification. This definition also applies to professional counselors who are not employees of the institution but are under contract to provide counseling at the institution.
Although pastoral counselors and professional counselors do not have to report crimes that are brought to their attention while serving in an official capacity, they are encouraged to inform their client/s of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics.
If employees are aware of any crimes that occurred on campus that were not reported to PVCC’s Department of Public Safety and Campus Police, it is important that he/she completes a Maxient incident report immediately. Staff can also view a presentation that educates them on their Clery reporting responsibility. The presentation is available at [coming soon].
It is important to remember that should at any time a crime be reported to anyone who is deemed as a Campus Security Authority, that individual should not wait until the end of the year to report that incident to the Department of Public Safety and Campus Police but notify the department immediately by calling 434.981.6362. The Department of Public Safety and Campus Police are responsible for notifying the PVCC community about any crimes that pose an ongoing threat to the community.
Report an Incident - Maxient
The Clery Act is named in memory of Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered in her residence hall room by a fellow student she did not know on April 5, 1986. Her parents championed laws requiring the disclosure of campus crime information, and the federal law that now bears their daughter's name was first enacted in 1990. It has been amended regularly over the last two decades to keep up with changes in campus safety with the most recent update in 2013 to expand the law's requirements concerning the handling of sexual violence. |
Jeanne Clery 1966-1986