Interlibrary Loan Request

Interlibrary loans are requests for materials that are unavailable at or not owned by your library. Need a book or article that the library doesn’t have?  Use this Interlibrary Loan Request form to find out if we can borrow it from another library.  A book will be shipped to the Jessup Library free of charge, and articles are sent electronically.  Books typically arrive in 2-4 days, and articles may be available as quickly as 24 hours from the time we make the request.  If you need a book or article immediately, then try searching JMRL's catalog or UVA's catalog. (As a PVCC student, you can go to UVA's libraries and borrow books from them). 

Before submitting this form, please check QuickSearch, EBSCO, and the Journal Search to verify that the book or the full text article is not in this library. If you have any questions, please call 434.961.5308.

Our Interlibrary Loan policies:

  • You must be a PVCC student (includes dual enrollment, Workforce Services, TJACE), faculty, or staff member to request items through Interlibrary Loan.  Mary Baldwin and ODU students may also request items through Interlibrary Loan, but they must email with the details because the form below will not work.
  • The request must be for college-related research (no personal requests allowed).
  • Request up to 6 articles and 3 books at one time.  Additional requests may not be made until the other items are delivered.
  • No requests for textbooks or any required texts for a course are allowed.
  • If a book is damaged or lost, the requestor is responsible for the fee charged by the lending library.

To place a request:

Login to QuickSearch and click "Request Interlibrary Loan" on the top menu.

Arrow pointing to the "Request Interlibrary Loan" button in QuickSearch

After you click the "Request Interlibrary Loan (Sign In First)" link, fill out the form.  Keep the following in mind:

  • Select Book or Article as the Citation Type depending on what you're requesting.  If you need a book chapter, select Book.
  • Fill out as much information as possible about the item you need.  This helps the library staff accurately find and request the correct item for you.
  • There is a delay when you hit the "Request" button.  WAIT and it will go through.
  • Questions? Email us at or call us at 434-961-5309.

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