Scrubs Club

Scrubs Club table at PVCC Club Fair


  • The goal of the Scrubs Club is to bring together students at Piedmont Virginia Community College who aspire to one of the various fields of healthcare, and share information, introduce connections, and explore different healthcare professions through a Guest Speaker series of respected health providers from the local community and representatives from academic programs around the region.


  • The Scrubs Club aspires to create a strong community amongst pre-health students based on mutual interests, that seeks to connect, support and learn together in the confusion and uncertainty of classes and applying to the various healthcare professions.

Club Advisors

  • D.M.Hoefner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anatomy & Physiology Health and Life Sciences,
  • Virginia "Ginger" York, MD, Associate Professor of Anatomy & Physiology Health and Life Sciences,

Student Contact