Transfer Information For Academic Advisors
Christopher Newport Advising Notes:
All general education requirements except foreign language are waived with the completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, etc.
CNU requires the completion of the -201 (Intermediate I) of a foreign language. PVCC offers through the -202 level of American Sign Language (ASL), French (FRE), German (GER), Japanese (JPN), and Spanish (SPA). The PVCC Testing Center (M607) has placement tests for FRE, GER, and SPA; for placement into ASL or JPN, contact the instructor.
George Mason Advising Notes:
If transferring to GMU under the GAA, all general education requirements are waived with the completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, etc.
James Madison University Advising Notes:
All general education requirements are waived with the completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, foreign language for Bachelor of Arts majors, etc.
All Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees at JMU require through the -202 of foreign language. (It is not required for admission to JMU, however BA-seeking students are strongly encouraged to begin their foreign language prior to transfer.) PVCC offers through the -202 level of French (FRE), German (GER), Japanese (JPN), and Spanish (SPA). The PVCC Testing Center (M607) offers placement tests for FRE, GER, and SPA; for placement into JPN, please contact the instructor directly. JMU does not award transfer credit for the -101 or -102 level of a language students studied in high school (ex: took Spanish II in high school = no transfer credit for SPA 101 or SPA 102). Lastly, ASL will not meet the foreign language requirement for JMU's BA degrees.
Liberty University Advising Notes:
All general education requirements are waived with the completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, foreign language for BA degrees, etc.
Longwood University Advising Notes:
All general education requirements except foreign language are waived with the completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, etc.
Longwood requires the completion of the -201 (Intermediate I) of a foreign language (they offer French, German, and Spanish). PVCC offers through the -202 level of American Sign Language (ASL), French (FRE), German (GER), Japanese (JPN), Latin (LAT), and Spanish (SPA). The PVCC Testing Center (M607) has placement tests for FRE, GER, and SPA; for placement into ASL, JPN, or LAT, contact the instructor. If you complete through the -201 level of ASL, JPN, or LAT, you will still meet their foreign language requirement.
Mary Baldwin University Advising Notes:
Mary Baldwin University is in the process of updating their Guaranteed Admissions Agreement. Beginning with students entering summer 2020 or later, all general education requirements will be waived for students whom have completed a transferable associate's degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, etc.
Old Dominion University Advising Notes:
All general education requirements are waived with the completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, foreign language required for B.A. degrees, etc.
Radford Advising Notes:
All general education requirements are waived with the completion of an A.A. or A.S. degree. This does not include major requirements, such as specific math and/or science required for the major, foreign language required for B.A. degrees, etc.
UVA Advising Notes:
All majors in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Batten School, and the McIntire School of Commerce require the completion of a college-level foreign language through the -202 (Intermediate II) level, or qualifying AP scores. For more information please visit UVA's foreign language placement page. PVCC offers through the -202 level of American Sign Language (ASL), French (FRE), German (GER), Japanese (JPN), and Spanish (SPA). The PVCC Testing Center (M607) has placement tests for FRE, GER, and SPA; for placement into ASL or JPN, contact the instructor.
VCU Advising Notes:
Please note that the School of Arts and health sciences programs each have their own unique admissions requirements and deadlines. Refer to the application page for more information.
VT Advising Notes:
Please refer to the Transfer Roadmaps by Program page for minimum transfer requirements for individual majors.
W&M Advising Notes:
Unless you have completed the fourth level in high school of a single foreign language (ex: SPA IV), or have qualifying SAT II subject tests or AP scores to receive college credit at W&M, you must complete a college-level -202 course in foreign language. PVCC offers through the -202 level of American Sign Language (ASL), French (FRE), German (GER), Japanese (JPN), and Spanish (SPA). The PVCC Testing Center (M607) has placement tests for FRE, GER, and SPA; for placement into ASL or JPN, contact the instructor.