Guaranteed Admissions & Transfer Information

PVCC offers several transfer degrees that let you complete the first two years of classes here, then transfer to a four-year college or university to work on a bachelor's degree. Additionally, PVCC offers Guaranteed Admissions Agreements with almost all colleges and universities in Virginia. Under this program, you must earn a transferrable associate degree, as well as meet specific admissions criteria, including GPA and course requirements. (Note: GAAs do not guarantee entry into a specific major.) A full list of agreements is available on the VCCS Transfer Page.


To schedule an appointment with a Transfer Advisor, please call 434.961.6581. 

Christopher Newport University

College of William and Mary

Eastern Mennonite University

George Mason University

James Madison University

Liberty University

Longwood University

Mary Baldwin University 

Old Dominion University 

Radford University

University of Lynchburg

University of Mary Washington

University of Virginia

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Tech