Young Americans for Freedom
Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)
At YAF (formerly named Turning Point USA), we aim to be inclusive, balanced, and educational.
1) Inclusive: Our goal is to bring students from different political backgrounds together to discuss current policies, social topics, and geopolitical events in an environment conducive to healthy dialogue. We also strive to be nonpartisan. Our club is not meant to stir up sentiment towards or malign a specific group or party.
2) Balanced: We provide a balanced viewpoint on all three (policies, topics and events) that aims to be based on the principles and the vision of our Founding Fathers.
3) Educational: Hindsight is 20/20, people say. We want to look back in time and glean principles from the past that we can then apply to the political and social challenges of our day.
Staff Advisor - Carrie Wood,
Student Contact - Elijah Maderia,