Sample of PVCC Dual Enrollment Course Offerings

Subject Course # Course Description
ADJ 100 Survey of Criminal Justice
ADJ 130 Introduction to Criminal Law
ADJ 227 Constitutional Law for Justice Personnel
ART 121 Drawing I
ART 122 Drawing II
BIO 101 General Biology I
BIO 102 General Biology II
BIO 106 Life Science
BIO 107 Biology of the Environment
BIO 145 Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Sciences
BUS 116 Entrepreneurship
BUS 200 Principles of Management
CHM 111 College Chemistry I 
CHM 112 College Chemistry II
CSC 110 Introduction to Computing
CST 131  Acting I
EGR 122 Engineering Graphics
EGR 121 Introduction To Engineering
EMS 111 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
EMS 120 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Clinical 
ENG 111 College Composition I
ENG 112 College Composition II 
ENG 245 Survey of English Literature
FIN 107 Personal Finance
HIS 121 United States History I 
HIS 122 United States History II
HLT 100 First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
HLT 125 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Science
HLT 130 Nutrition and Diet Therapy
HLT 141 Introduction To Medical Terminology
HRI 106 Principles of Culinary Arts I
HRI 119 Applied Nutrition For Food Services 
HRI 128 Principles of Baking
HRI 158 Sanitation and Safety 
HRI 218 Fruit, Vegetable, and Starch Preparation
HRI 219 Stock, Soup, and Sauce Preparation
ITE 120 Principles of Info Systems
MTH 154 Quantitative Reasoning
MTH 161 PreCalculus I 
MTH 167 PreCalculus with Trigonometry 
MTH 245 Statistics I
MTH 261 Applied Calculus I 
MTH 263 Calculus I 
MTH 265 Calculus II
MTH 267 Differential Equations 
PLS 135 U.S. Government I 
PLS 136 U.S. Government II
PSY 200 Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 230 Developmental Psychology 
SDV 100 College Success Skills
SOC 200 Principles of Sociology
SOC 268 Social Problems
SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I 
SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II