PVCC Safety Manual

Safety and health in Piedmont Virginia Community College considers the personal safety and health of each employee and student to be of utmost importance. Prevention of occupationally related and/or induced injuries and illnesses is of such consequence that it will be given precedence over any other consideration. Safety and health in our day-to-day operations integral is an important parts of PVCC’s standard operating procedures. Safety and health in our day-to-day operations are important parts of PVCC’s standard operating procedures. It is every employee and student's responsibility to comply with the requirements in this safety manual. Employees are expected to perform their job in a manner that advances this commitment to employee safety and health. PVCC's objective is to have a safety and health program that will keep the number of injuries and illnesses to an absolute minimum.

This manual is a dynamic document that is updated at least annually and revised more often if necessary. It is revised by the PVCC Safety Committee. Questions or suggestions regarding this manual can be directed to the office of the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services by emailing Dr. Scott Jefferies or Karen Grunow.

PVCC Safety Manual (entire document)

Section 1: General Safety & Health

Section 2: Safety & Health Administration

Section 3: Safety & Health Organization

Section 4: Accident Reporting, Investigation & Workers' Compensation

Section 5: Safety Procedures

Section 6: Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

Section 7: Chemical Hygiene Plan

Section 8: Hazard Communication Program

Section 9: Job Safety Analysis Program

Section 10: Lockout/Tagout Policy

Section 11: Respiratory Protection Policy

Section 12: Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Policy

Section 13: High-Risk Instructional Programs


Biology Lab Safety Manual