Physical and Natural Sciences

This degree prepares you for transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree in a science field.

Physical & Natural Scientist

Program Dean

Health and Life Sciences Division

Faculty Contact

Academic Advisors

Jenn Fraticelli
Student last name starts with A-M

Joi Stanley
Student last name starts with N-Z


Associate of Science Degree

Credit Hours


Program Information

The Associate of Science degree in Physical and Natural Sciences - Science Specialization prepares you for transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor's degree. PVCC has guaranteed transfer agreements with top colleges and universities that guarantee admission to PVCC graduates who meet specific academic transfer criteria.

Program Requirements: The major emphasis in this curriculum is on mathematics, the biological sciences, and the physical sciences. However, the curriculum also includes electives in humanities and social sciences so that the student can select the appropriate courses for his or her pre-professional or scientific program as required in the first two years of the prospective four-year college or university degree. Students must become knowledgeable about the requirements of the major departments in the college or university to which transfer is contemplated and also consult with their academic advisor. Upon satisfactory completion of the four-semester program, the graduate will be awarded the associate of science degree in physical and natural sciences.

Transfer Information

PVCC has guaranteed transfer agreements with top colleges and universities that guarantee admission to PVCC graduates who meet specific academic transfer criteria.

Graduation Requirements

Students in all degree programs are required to take at least one Civic Engagement (CE) course to graduate.

Supervised Study: Students must take a supervised study course in a chosen discipline in order to graduate.  Each discipline has specific prerequisites that must be met prior to enrollment.