Performance Evaluation Process
PVCC strives to ensure that the performance planning and evaluation system will provide for the establishment and communication of performance expectations as the basis for evaluating an employee's work performance. The performance evaluation meeting allows for the employee and supervisor to discuss results achieved, opportunities for improvement, and setting or re-defining developmental goals.
Probationary Employees
Using the Probationary Progress Review Form, supervisors provide regularly scheduled feedback to their probationary employees. The final probationary review should occur three weeks prior to the end of the probationary period. Supervisors will be notified by an e-mail from Human Resources when these reviews are due.
The probationary period gives new employees the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to achieve a satisfactory level of performance and to determine whether the new position meets their expectations. PVCC uses this period to evaluate employee capabilities, work habits, and overall performance.
All new, and rehired, classified employees serve a probationary period for one year, up to 18 months, after their date of hire. An employee's probationary period may be extended to allow for performance reasons or periods of leave with or without pay. Any significant absence (more than 14 consecutive days) will automatically extend a probationary period by the length of the absence. Employees must be notified in writing if their probationary period is going to be extended.
Annual Performance Evaluation Process for Non-probationary, Classified Employees
The annual performance cycle for non-probationary, classified employees runs October 25 through October 24 of the following year. The completed Annual Performance Evaluation Form is due in Human Resources no later than the last workday in September.
Interim Evaluations
An Interim Performance Evaluation should be completed if, after 6 months into the performance cycle, an employee transfers, promotes or demotes into a new position with a different supervisor within an agency or between state agencies. Before the employee's departure from the position, the supervisor should complete the Interim Performance Evaluation. The employee's new supervisor should consider this information in assessing the employee's performance at the end of the performance cycle.
The self-evaluation enables classified employees to communicate an assessment of their own performance. About two weeks before the supervisor is scheduled to complete the evaluation, the supervisor gives the employee a copy of their Employee Work Profile (EWP) and a Self-Evaluation & Development Plan Form.
Acknowledgement of Extraordinary Contribution or Notice of Improvement Needed
For an employee to receive an overall rating of Extraordinary Contributor or Below Contributor, at least one Acknowledgement of Extraordinary Contribution or Notice of Improvement Needed must be given to the employee. The Acknowledgement of Extraordinary Contribution or Notice of Improvement Needed forms must be attached to the Annual Performance Evaluation. Supervisors considering an overall rating of Below Contributor must discuss this with the Director of Human Resources before completing the performance evaluation.
Appeal Process
If a classified employee disagrees with an evaluation and cannot resolve the disagreement with his or her supervisor, the employee may appeal to the reviewer for another review of the evaluation. The appeal must be made in writing to the reviewer within 10 workdays of the initial performance meeting. The reviewer should discuss an employee's appeal with the supervisor and employee. After discussion of the appeal, the reviewer should provide the employee with a written response within five workdays of receiving it. The response will indicate the reviewer's conclusion regarding the performance evaluation.
Related Policy Links
Policy 1.40: Performance Planning and Evaluation
Related Forms
Acknowledgement of Extraordinary Contribution
Annual Performance Evaluation Form
Interim Performance Evaluation