Medical Laboratory Technology

This degree prepares students to be able to perform essential laboratory testing on blood and body fluids.

This is a G3 program.  Students may qualify for free tuition, fees, and books.

Woman looking at blood samples on computer screen

Career Pathway

Program Dean

Health and Life Sciences Division

Faculty Contact

Academic Advisors

April Pannell
Student last name starts with A-L

Tanairy Carbo
Student last name starts with M-Z


Associate of Applied Science Degree

Credit Hours


Program Information

Accreditation Status: The PVCC Medical Laboratory Technology program is currently seeking accreditation through the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences and has obtained Serious Applicant status. 

5600 N. River Road, Suite 720
Rosemont, IL 60018-5119
Phone: (773) 714-8880

The curriculum is designed to prepare students to perform essential laboratory testing on blood and body fluids that is critical to the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. In a medical laboratory, the medical laboratory technician (MLT) is part of a team of highly skilled pathologists, technologists, and phlebotomists working together to determine the presence, extent or absence of disease, and helping to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. This program emphasizes hands-on practice of laboratory methods in a state-of-the-art laboratory followed by clinical experience at various affiliating healthcare organizations. 

Want to Know More?

MLT Student Handbook 2024-2025

MLT Clinical Handbook 2025

Program Outcomes

MLT AAS Degree Program - Student Success Statistics 2024
Graduation Rate: Students starting 2nd year who graduate100%
ASCP Certification Pass Rate: Graduates passing credentialing exam within one year of graduation. Updates for current year will be posted for changes recorded by end of one year after graduation.80%
Employment Rate: Students employed who are actively seeking employment100%

Admission Requirements

In addition to admission to the college, students must also meet eligibility requirements specific to this program, and only a limited number of students are admitted into a given cohort.  If there are more applicants during a cycle than there are available positions in the cohort, eligible applicants will be ranked according to specific criteria and students are admitted or deferred according to that rank.

Please see the Admissions Information Book below for program requirements, minimum eligibility requirements, applicant ranking criteria, and other important information for prospective students.

Medical Laboratory Technology A.A.S. Admissions Information Book Spring 2025 Cycle

Pre-Admission Transcript Evaluation Process for Allied Health Programs

Admissions Information Video

Information Sessions

Information sessions are provided each application cycle for prospective students.  The purpose of these sessions is to help students to decide if this program and profession will be right for them, and to walk students through the application and admissions process.  Attendees will also be able to ask the faculty questions about the program and the profession.

Attendance at an information session is strongly encouraged for all students.  Refer to the current Admissions Information Book for information regarding whether your application will be ranked based on attendance. 

A schedule of upcoming information sessions is still being constructed. Once the schedule is finalized, it will be published here. 

Apply for Admission 

Students who have not yet enrolled in/completed CHM 101 or equivalent may still be eligible for admissions on a conditional basis. Students admitted on this condition may be required to complete CHM 101 or equivalent by a specific semester in the program.

Applications for the Spring 2025 cohort are no longer being accepted. This page will be updated when next year's application has been scheduled to open. 

Sign into the Health and Life Sciences Application Portal to begin your application.

Graduation Requirements

Students in all degree programs are required to take at least one Civic Engagement (CE) course to graduate.

Potential Careers

Medical & Diagnostic Laboratories