
To make a measurable impact toward our strategic priority on completion, PVCC will see a five percent increase in the number of credentials awarded from Academic Year 2022-2023 by 2030.  

Credentials Awarded by Academic Year Graph

Strategic Goal #1 

The College will enhance targeted, high-impact practices and sustained support for all students.

Strategic ActionsMeasures of Progress
1.1Increase student learning, success and completion rates in momentum courses to promote progression and completion.
  • First-Year Momentum: Credit Attainment
  • First-Year Momentum: Gateway Course Completion
  • First-Year Momentum: Gateway Course Student Learning Outcomes
  • College Success Skills (SDV100) Success Rates
  • Time to credential
  • Fall-to-fall and spring-to-spring retention rates
  • Graduation rates
  • Number of dual-enrollment students earning credentials
  • Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) benchmark scores
  • Course success rates
  • FastForward program completion
  • FastForward credentials earned
  • Usage of holistic student support services
1.2Improve program cohesion through full implementation of guided pathways, including intentional redesign of the required student development course.
1.3Strengthen dual and concurrent enrollment pathways in collaboration with K-12 public school partners to include consistent policies and procedures and pedagogical support to teachers through the College’s faculty liaison program.
1.4Implement a suite of first-year momentum academic and student support strategies to promote student learning and completion, and build velocity toward successful degree completion and on-time graduation.
1.5Identify and address student financial, wellness and other needs that create barriers to completion.

Strategic Goal #2

The College will foster a dynamic, effective teaching and learning environment that promotes instructional excellence and student completion.

Strategic ActionsMeasures of Progress
2.1Strengthen teaching and student learning across the College by connecting faculty with information, resources and best practice ideas that enhance learning, including the establishment of the Frank Friedman Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
  • CCSSE benchmark scores
  • Course and program outcomes disaggregated by race/ethnicity
  • Number and percentage of employees who participate in professional development activites
  • Impact of faculty and staff professional development
  • End-of-course evaluations
  • Student Learning Outcomes results
2.2Develop and strengthen the skills of existing and future Student Affairs leadership and staff through professional development with emphasis on equity and student success.

Strategic Goal #3

The College will increase the advancement of the talent pipeline through training in high-demand fields, transfer preparation, customized training, on-the-job training, lifelong learning, and industry-recognized credential attainment. 

Strategic ActionsMeasures of Progress
3.1Offer workforce programming for incumbent workers by partnering with businesses in specific industry sectors to develop career training and education pathways in the industry.
  • FastForward enrollments, completions and credentials
  • Number of students participating in credits for prior learning, paid internships, apprenticeships, and earn-to-learn programs
  • Completion in high-demand programs
  • Industry credentials
  • Transfer rates
3.2Expand the use of credit for prior learning, paid internships, apprenticeships and earn-to-learn models.
3.3Increase the number of graduates that transfer within two years with Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees.